Membership will ensure you of keeping abreast of the very latest events, information, and legislation concerning our growing industry.
A Vital Government Relations Team
SWCCA works closely with state and federal lawmakers to implement a positive legislative program for the cable television industry. SWCCA has successfully obtained state theft of service legislation, codified a state sales tax exemption, put a cap on state license fees, and was instrumental in developing the 1984 & 1996 Federal Cable Communications Acts. SWCCA offers guidance and assistance to cable television systems in member states in dealing with local government relations issues.
An Important Information Source
SWCCA provides a comprehensive annual directory for the membership, as well as periodic information alerts about fast-breaking industry news. SWCCA has an extensive library of CATV references and legal materials that are available to members upon request. SWCCA's full-time office provides individual assistance to members for informational inquires and research requests.
An Outstanding Meeting Provider
SWCCA sponsors an Annual Meeting with a variety of seminars and vendor participation, including sessions of the Cactus Chapter of SCTE. In addition, SWCCA holds a Fall Board event and provides an annual Washington, D.C. conference.
An Effective Utility Relations Tool
SWCCA provides an essential “unified voice” in dealing with the local utility companies and the FCC in resolving pressing utility problems. SWCCA has successfully negotiated pole attachment contracts with the major utilities and co-ops and has been at the forefront at the FCC in utility-related matters.
Become a Part of this Active Organization and Discover the Services Provided by the SWCCA.
Active Member – Any firm or corporation engaged in the business of providing television reception and other communication services for the public by means of a licensed or franchised cable television system may apply for membership.
Dues for Active Members: 4.5 cents per RGU per month with a $25.00 minimum. For maximum levels, contact SWCCA for the dues schedule.
Associate Member – CATV equipment manufacturers and suppliers, consultants, management services, brokers or any organization with a bona fide interest in CATV are eligible for Associate Membership.
Annual Dues for Associate Members: $225.00 per year paid annually.
Download the application below and fax or email - 602 955-4505 or [email protected]
A Vital Government Relations Team
SWCCA works closely with state and federal lawmakers to implement a positive legislative program for the cable television industry. SWCCA has successfully obtained state theft of service legislation, codified a state sales tax exemption, put a cap on state license fees, and was instrumental in developing the 1984 & 1996 Federal Cable Communications Acts. SWCCA offers guidance and assistance to cable television systems in member states in dealing with local government relations issues.
An Important Information Source
SWCCA provides a comprehensive annual directory for the membership, as well as periodic information alerts about fast-breaking industry news. SWCCA has an extensive library of CATV references and legal materials that are available to members upon request. SWCCA's full-time office provides individual assistance to members for informational inquires and research requests.
An Outstanding Meeting Provider
SWCCA sponsors an Annual Meeting with a variety of seminars and vendor participation, including sessions of the Cactus Chapter of SCTE. In addition, SWCCA holds a Fall Board event and provides an annual Washington, D.C. conference.
An Effective Utility Relations Tool
SWCCA provides an essential “unified voice” in dealing with the local utility companies and the FCC in resolving pressing utility problems. SWCCA has successfully negotiated pole attachment contracts with the major utilities and co-ops and has been at the forefront at the FCC in utility-related matters.
Become a Part of this Active Organization and Discover the Services Provided by the SWCCA.
Active Member – Any firm or corporation engaged in the business of providing television reception and other communication services for the public by means of a licensed or franchised cable television system may apply for membership.
Dues for Active Members: 4.5 cents per RGU per month with a $25.00 minimum. For maximum levels, contact SWCCA for the dues schedule.
Associate Member – CATV equipment manufacturers and suppliers, consultants, management services, brokers or any organization with a bona fide interest in CATV are eligible for Associate Membership.
Annual Dues for Associate Members: $225.00 per year paid annually.
Download the application below and fax or email - 602 955-4505 or [email protected]